
NC-SARA Board Vote

Updated by on Fri, 06/12/2020 - 12:25

This week the NC-SARA Board voted electronically to approve revised language regarding programs that lead to professional licensure.

At the May 7, 2020 Board meeting the NC-SARA Board considered a proposed modification to the SARA Manual concerning professional licensure disclosures. This proposal was met with input from consumer advocates and the offices of attorneys general, seeking to influence the Board not to eliminate the requirement that institutions uncertain whether their programs would lead to licensure in specific states must share licensing board contact information. SARA participating institutions were vocal in their desire to see NC-SARA align its policy on professional licensure with new federal guidelines set to go into effect July 1, 2020 so as not to place an undue burden having to demonstrate adherence to similar, yet different rules.

After discussion and deliberation, the NC-SARA Board decided to table the proposal until such time as staff and legal counsel had time to revise the language to combine the new federal guidelines with the requirement to publish licensing board contact information for programs when it is unclear regarding whether they would lead to licensure in the states in which they enroll students. The decision was made to bring this proposal to an electronic vote, as follows:

Section 5.2 adjustment regarding programs leading to Professional Licensure to correlate to new Federal Regulations.

The Board agreed to align Section 5.2 of the SARA Manual with the Federal Regulations if SARA notifications continue to include the professional licensure board contact information.

Board Vote: Revised Proposed Language

5.2 Programs leading to Professional Licensure

SARA has no effect on State professional licensing requirements. Any Institution approved to participate in SARA that offers courses or programs designed to lead to Professional Licensure or certification or advertised as leading to Licensure must satisfy all federal requirements for disclosures regarding such Professional Licensure programs under 34 §C.F.R. 668.43. For SARA purposes, these requirements will also apply to non-Title IV institutions.

For SARA purposes, institutions that are unable, after all reasonable efforts, to determine whether a program will meet state professional licensure requirements shall provide the student or applicant with current contact information for any applicable licensing boards, and advise the student or applicant to determine whether the program meets requirements for Licensure in the State where the student or applicant is located.

Yes = 22
No = 0
Abstain = 0


Lori Williams, PhD
President and CEO
June 12, 2020