Responses Last Confirmed:

Maryland Higher Education Commission

Agency Contact

Alexandra (Alix) Chaillou, Associate Director, Institution Review

Additional Contact

Quentin Snively, Online Education Analyst

Secretary of State Contact

Susan C. Lee | Michael Lore, Deputy Secretary of State

1: Important Agency Information to Note

What types of institutions are subject to this agency’s authority?

Indicate the types of institutions that your agency authorizes. 

  • Note: Some agencies may refer to out-of-state public institutions as “private colleges” in their law.  If this is the case for your agency, please select “public, out-of-state degree granting institutions” for purposes of this Guide so that the out-of-state public institution will find appropriate information.
  • Note: If your agency is a coordinating board, your agency may have one division with some authority such as program approval over in-state public institutions that are established per statute, which is structured differently than another division of your agency with state authorization authority over non-public institutions that they “license” pursuant to different statute(s).

__X__  Public, in-state degree granting institutions
__X__  Public, out-of-state degree granting institutions        
__X__  Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions 
__X__  Private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions    
__X__  Private, in-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__  Private, out-of-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__  Public, in-state, non-degree granting institutions
__X__  Public, out-of-state, non-degree granting institutions
__X__  Non-degree, not-for profit institutions
__X__  Non-degree, for-profit institutions
__X__  Religious institutions
_____  Tribally-controlled institutions
_____  Federal Institutions
__X__  Municipal institutions

Does your agency authorize specific academic programs offered by institutions, only institutions themselves, or both?
  • For example, an agency may require an institution apply for licensure for institutional approval and also require the institution to apply for specific program(s) approval.

____ Institution   

_____ Program   

__X__ Both

Clarifying comments:

There are no tribally-controlled institutions operating in Maryland. Community colleges in Maryland are public institutions with some local/county oversight. There is one federal institution operating in Maryland (The United States Naval Academy); however MHEC does not authorize or have oversight over this entity.


2: Authorization of Distance Education

Does your agency require exclusively online offerings offered by out-of-state institutions to be authorized?
  • Meaning as example, the state regulates an out-of-state institution for merely enrolling a student into a distance education program
  • Meaning as example, a solely online program that does not have any internships and practicums


Clarifying comments:

We require non-SARA participating out-of-state institutions to register with MHEC prior to enrolling Maryland students in online programs.


3: Accreditation by an Accrediting Agency Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education

Is accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education required for an institution to be authorized in your state?


If yes, please check all that apply as appropriate.

Accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education required for:
__X__ Public, out-of-state degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Public, in-state, non-degree granting institutions
__X__ Public, out-of-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____ Non-degree, not-for profit institutions
_____ Non-degree, for-profit institutions
_____ Religious institutions
__X__ Tribally-controlled institutions
_____ Federal Institutions
__X__ Municipal institutions

Clarifying comments:

A religious institution that is not accredited may seek religious exemption to offer religious instruction in Maryland. If a religious institution intends to seek accreditation or has accreditation, the institution is ineligible for the religious exemption and a full approval to operate in Maryland is required. While MHEC has authority over non-degree institutions (both for profit and not-for-profit institutions), accreditation is not required for approval for non-degree institutions.


4: Physical Presence Policy

If your agency uses a physical presence standard, how does your agency define physical presence? Include sample triggers.

Maryland regulations (COMAR) provide the following definition for Out-of-State Degree-Granting Institutions:

COMAR 13B.02.01.03

(12) “Operate in Maryland” means to:

(a) Establish or provide a physical location in the State for students to receive synchronous or asynchronous instruction for credit leading to a degree or certificate;

(b) Require students to physically meet in a location in the State for instructional purposes more than twice during a full-term (quarter or semester) course for a total of more than 6 hours; or

(c) Have more than ten students, in a single program, placed simultaneously at one site in the State in a supervised internship, practicum, or field experience as a required part of a degree or certificate program, unless the internship, practicum, or field experience:

  • (i) Is arranged and administered by a national placement center;
  • (ii) Occurs at the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or another federal agency that, in the determination of the Secretary, recruits students nationwide from eligible academic programs, regardless of the student’s specific institution of higher education; or
  • (iii) In the determination of the Secretary, has de minimus contacts with Maryland and is subject to the sufficient oversight of another regulatory body or government agency.
Does a clinical/internship trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

If there are more than 10 students in a single program placed at the same site the placement triggers authorization for a physical presence in the state.

Does a virtual clinical / internship trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency? 


Does a faculty member residing in your state and teaching an online course trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?


Does advertising targeted to residents of your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?


Does having an administrative site in your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?


Does having a recruiter in your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?


Clarifying comments:

No response provided


5: Application Process

Please provide a short description of the application process to obtain state authorization.

Out-of-State Authorization to Operate in Maryland: An out-of-state institution seeking to operate in Maryland must submit an application at least five months before the institution proposes to begin operations. The institution must submit an application, a non-refundable application fee; offer programs in Maryland that are offered at their main or primary campus; and demonstrate that the proposed program meets a critical and compelling regional or statewide need in Maryland. Approval to operate is renewed annually. During or after the fifth year of operation, and during any subsequent renewal cycle, an out-of-State institution may apply for Extended Operation for up to five years.

Online Registration for non-NC-SARA institutions: An institution that enrolls a Maryland student in an online program shall file an application for registration with the Commission before or within 3 months of enrolling the first Maryland student. Institutions must register their online programs with MHEC annually.

Clarifying comments:



6: Fees Associated with Authorization

Is there an application fee associated with the authorization process?


If yes, what is the fee or fee schedule?

Out-of-State Authorization to Operate in Maryland: There is a non-refundable application fee of $7,500 for up to two degree programs and an additional $850 for each additional degree program; these fees apply to both initial and renewal applicants.

Online Registration: For an institution having an enrollment of no more than 20 Maryland students, $500; and for an institution having an enrollment of more than 20 Maryland students, $1,000.

Clarifying comments:



7: Surety Bonds

Does your agency require a Surety Bond for authorized out-of-state institutions?


Web link for surety bonds.

Out-of-state institutions of higher education offering online education (non-profit institutions must hold a bond if their registration is under review and they have Maryland residents enrolled during the review of their registration):

Any for-profit institution (either online registered or operating in Maryland; for-profit NC-SARA institutions exempt from this requirement):

Clarifying comments:



8: Student Tuition Recovery Fund

Does your agency have a Student Tuition Recovery Fund (or similar fund for higher education institution closure)?

For for-profit institutions, Maryland uses either the bond or letter of credit to provide tuition refunds when a school closes. The Secretary may also require an annual assessment, to be based on a percentage of a school’s tuition and fees, for a school year as determined by the Secretary.

Private Career Schools are expected to hold a bond as well; The Guaranty Student Tuition Fund is a separate fund for private career schools (i.e., non-degree granting institutions). See COMAR 13B.01.01.18C

If yes, for what types of institutions?

For-profit degree granting and non-degree granting institutions.

Web link for student tuition recovery fund.

MHEC develops a unique page for each school closure.

Clarifying comments:

Code of Maryland Regulations allow the Secretary to require for-profit institutions to pay an assessment into the Guaranty Fund, notwithstanding the requirements for the financial guarantees for disorderly closure and teach-out, as noted above. Currently, MHEC does not require an assessment.


9: Tuition Refund Policy

Does your agency have a Tuition Refund Policy Requirement?


If yes, for what types of institutions?

Out-of-state institutions of higher education offering online education

Non-degree granting institutions

Any institution that meets the statutory definition of “disorderly closure”

Web link for surety bonds.
Clarifying comments:

Legislation recently passed (SB446, 2020 legislative session - Maryland Education Article § 11-203(e)) that creates a specific process for the closure of a school, which includes details regarding refunds when a school closes.  MHEC is developing regulations and working though the details of implementing that legislation.


10: Reporting

What kinds of information or data must an institution report to your agency as a condition for continued institutional state authorization?

An out-of-state institution with a physical presence in Maryland must submit enrollment data and a faculty compliance report annually. 

For-profit institutions must also submit a copy of their student contract, enrollment agreement, and course catalog to demonstrate they have included the required disclosure regarding the Maryland Guaranty Student Tuition Fund annually, Additionally, they must submit a copy of the school's most recent audited financial statement, a copy of the school's most recent pro-forma statement, and a Financial Reporting Form, as prescribed by the Secretary, that requires, at a minimum, the following information for the most recent year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. If required as a result of the information in their Financial Reporting Form, the institution must submit any changes to their required financial guarantee. 

Any out-of-state institution with a physical presence in Maryland or a non-SARA institution offering online programs to Maryland students must submit renewal application materials every year to continue operating in Maryland. During or after the fifth year of operation in Maryland and during any subsequent renewal cycle, an out-of-State institution with a physical presence in Maryland may apply for approval to operate in Maryland for an extended period of time up to 5 years.

How frequently do institutions report data?

Once a year, with the exception of renewal materials for institutions with a physical presence that have been operating in the state for five or more years. Institutions under extended material must still submit other required information annually.

Is this information shared publicly?

Applications to continue operating with a physical presence in Maryland are publicly circulated and posted on our website for a 30-day comment period.

Web link for reporting.

Annual data and renewal applications for institutions with a physical presence is submitted through our Out-of-State email. Renewal applications and materials for non-SARA participating institutions offering programs to Maryland students are submitted through our online portal.

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


11: Enforcement

What are possible consequences of institutional non-compliance?

MHEC can impose fines on an institution that operates without approval or does not meet the standards set in Maryland regulations. Additionally, MHEC can revoke a certificate of approval to operate in Maryland.

Web link for enforcement information.
Clarifying comments:



12: Student Complaints - Non-SARA Participating Institutions

Please describe the process for handling complaints about non-SARA out-of-state postsecondary institutions or programs? (34 CFR 600.9(a))

Once a Maryland resident (student) has exhausted the complaint options at their institution, they may file a complaint with MHEC. Students may also file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Maryland Attorney General.

How does your agency handle a non-SARA complaint from a resident of its state that is against an out-of-state institution that the agency does not authorize?

Students are directed to the appropriate oversight agency.

Is the non-SARA process handled all within your agency or do you divide consumer protection and student complaint duties dependent on the type of institution (Public, Private, Technical, etc.)?

A student may submit a complaint in writing to MHEC when it involves an alleged violation of the Education Article, COMAR, or college or university policy, but only after the student has first exhausted the complaint/ grievance procedures established by the institution. If the complaint is specific to an issue outside of our regulatory or statutory authority, or is a federal complaint, we refer the student to the appropriate agency/organization.

Who is the contact person or entity for your state for receiving non-SARA student complaints?

Contact Name: Alexandra Chaillou
Title: Associate Director, Institution Review
Agency: Maryland Higher Education Commission
Address: 217 Redwood Street Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-767-3301

Clarifying comments:



13: Records Retention

When a higher education institution closes, what is the process your state uses to ensure that transcripts/records are kept available?

MHEC obtains and stores student records for all in-state closed schools, both degree-granting and non-degree granting institutions.

From what agency or entity do students request their transcripts/records from a closed higher education institution?

Students can request a transcript from MHEC for a closed school.  MHEC recently transitioned to a Student Transcript Request Online Portal  to requests transcripts.  More information can be found on our website:

For all closed post-secondary institutions:

Agency Name: Maryland Higher Education Commission
Contact Person: Director of Academic Affairs
Contact Phone: 410-767-3098
Contact Address: 217 Redwood Street Baltimore, MD 21202
Contact Email:
Contact Website:

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


14: Additional Information

Is there anything else about the state authorization process in your state that institutions and others ought to know about?

Regulations regarding online registration authorization may be found here.

Regulations regarding approval for an out-of-state institution to operate in Maryland may be found here.

Regulations regarding for-profit bonds can be found here.

Regulations regarding private career schools (non-degree granting institutions) can be found here.

Regulations regarding religious exemption can be found here. Statue (Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §11–202.1) governing religious exemption can be found here.

Regulations regarding military exemption can be found here.

Please note: There could be additional state agencies with oversight of activities of your institution. 

What is your preferred method of communication?
